Sunday, 21 January 2018

Week of January 22nd

Bonjour et bonne année!

I hope everyone enjoyed the winter break!  We all came back relaxed, albeit a bit sleepy.  I'm afraid this may be a bit of a long post so please bear with me.  (I really ought to post weekly.)


As you may have heard, our classroom carpet was cleaned over the Christmas holidays as it had not been vacuumed for a few months.  I purchased a manual vacuum but not being as powerful as a real vacuum cleaner, the carpet was quite dusty.

I'm so happy that the SD61 has agreed to vacuum our carpets once again.  I have taught both with and without a carpet and have found that having a carpet is vital to creating a classroom community.  Grade 3s are still wiggly and need to move around throughout the day.  While we have movement breaks throughout the day, the carpet gives little bodies another space where they can sit.  It's also a place where we can be close together, have discussions, and listen better to one another.  The first year I had my carpet, about 4 years ago, I saw a few non-readers start to read, simply because they could flake-out on the carpet with a book.  The carpet provided a less-structured environment more conducive to reading, either alone or with a friend.  I really hope that the District continues to fund daily vacuuming of carpets.  The kids are worth it!

Please send inside shoes to school for your child.  Our fields are exceptionally muddy this year due to construction in the fall.  We are trying to keep carpets and school clean.

Recap & update on what we are working on right now:

We started 2018 off with a handshaking demo/some practice as we wished each other a "Bonne Année".  Key points were to shake not too hard or too soft, and have some eye contact.


In Math we have been practicing how to subtract numbers such as 45 - 18, to harder problems such as 825 - 487.  We spent a portion of each day practicing with blocs to understand what happens to the hundreds, tenths, and units when subtracting.  We then moved on to learning how to subtract by placing the larger number above the other.  This can be a hard concept to grasp for some learners leading some to think that "they are no good at Math".  It's up to us adults to encourage and remind them that some skills take perseverance, but that they are still attainable.  Grade 3 students can use written calculations, drawings, or blocks to demonstrate their subtraction knowledge on quizzes.


In Social Studies we have started to study Canada's North and the traditional Copper Inuit ways of life.  As they gain more knowledge, students will be making a project in class.  They will be able to work on their own, or in a group with up to 2 other students.  Please send a piece of cardboard to class or a cardboard box for the base of the project.

Students also painted some beautiful pictures à la Ted Harrison this past week.


In French we have been looking at Masculin/Feminin words, as well as incorporating more of the 6 senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, emotions) into our writing.


In English, each week students write about their competencies in the form of "I can..." statements.  So far this year we have explored subjects such as:  "I can connect with others", "I can contribute to the community"...

This week's topic was "I can define my personal values and choices".  I knew this might be abstract for 8/9 year olds, a few of whom find it difficult to voice their opinions.  To make it more concrete, we had a class discussion about the Vancouver Aquarium's decision to no longer keep marine mammals in captivity.  The important part here was not the individual viewpoints, but to have the ability to say why they were either for or against this.

I was impressed with how well students were able to give reasons for their viewpoints.  The discussions were lively and interesting while students made their opinions known and listened to other points of view.  After the discussion, students wrote in English about their point of view.


As you have probably noticed from the dictée words, this week is Carnaval week at Willows for French Immersion classes.  We will be having a Carnaval assembly in the gym tomorrow, and on Thursday afternoon we will have a presentation about the Métis and their traditions.  There will be singing and spoons involved!  Please send a long scarf to school for your child to wear as a "ceinture fléchée" (sash) this week.

Ice blocks

Also on Thursday morning, a first for Willows, Immersion classes will attempt to build an ice castle on the basketball courts.  In preparation for this, please freeze an ice block at home and bring it to school Thursday morning.  You could freeze water inside a clean/empty 2L carton of milk, a tetra pack, or purchase a block at a garage that morning.  Students will leave their blocks outside in their line-up upon arrival Thursday.  They will go to Music class at the bell, then we will return outside around 9:45 to build our portion of the castle.  Should be fun!

Dress-up as your favourite book character day

This will take place next Monday, January 29th.  


On January 29th we will also be welcoming Beth Nessim, who will be doing her final teaching practicum with us for the next few months.  Beth has already visited the class many times this year.  I look forward to her energy and new ideas.  Having two teachers in a class is always great!


February is skipping month at Willows to promote healthy hearts.  Grade 3s will be having a Skip-along at lunch recess on Feb. 6th and 8th.  On Feb. 22nd we will have a school-wide Skip-a-thon in the gym throughout the day.  Please see notice attached to this week's email for more info.

Valentine's Day

Kids usually like to exchange Valentine's on February 14th.  If your child wishes to do this, please include all students in the class.  Many thanks!

Upcoming, at a glance:

Jan. 22:  Carnaval Assembly
Jan. 23:  P.E.
Jan. 25:  Dictée, Ice blocs, Metis presentation
Jan. 26:  Pizza/sushi

Jan. 29:  Dress-up as your favourite book character day
Feb. 14:  Red and White day
Feb. 28:  Pink Shirt anti-bullying day

Last but not least, this week's audio dictée.  Thanks for making to the bottom of this post!

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