Sunday 23 October 2016

Week 8 Update


Please see email for field trip information.

Of note this week (as well as the field trip):

Monday Oct. 24th - Library book exchange, Scholastic due, Cross-Country Meet after lunch

Tuesday Oct. 25th - Last week's Dictée cahier sent home

Wednesday Oct. 26th - Pyjama day

Thursday Oct. 27th - Photo retakes, Dictée

This week's audio dictée:

Sunday 16 October 2016

Week 7


On Friday you should have received a letter re:  an upcoming field trip.  See email for more information.  Please let me know (by email or paper) if you are able to join us.

This week's happenings:

Monday - Library book exchange, assembly, Little buddies
Tuesday - Choir
Wednesday - Music
Thursday - Dictée, BC Shakedown practice, gym
Friday - BC-wide Professional Day for teachers.  No school in session.

Français - This week's words are French weather pattern words.  We have also been working on writing sentences in class, more specifically, remembering to capitalize the first letter in a sentence, and to include a period at the end.  Some students are also working writing their and p.  (The latter one dips below the line).

We also started reading a short French story together about bats.  We will use this story as a launching point to learn more about Character, Setting, Problem, and Solution in a story.  We will also pick out factual information and take notes about bats.

Math -  We have been working on step counting, adding and subtracting since September, and are now working on continuing a pattern using shapes, numbers, and letters.  To help your child develop quicker computation skills, I encourage families to play board games with 2 dice, or card games with an element of counting involved such as War or Crib.

P.E. - We have been practicing how to throw a ball with one hand and passing, in preparation with learning how to play European Handball.

Art - For the past few weeks, students have practiced how to draw faces.  This week they created an auto-portrait, which will become the cover page for their scrapbook this year.

This week's audio dictée:

Monday 10 October 2016

Week 6 - Field Trips, Agendas, Dictée, Fire Drill

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Field Trips
Please see email for upcoming field trip dates.  Watch for a paper newsletter with more specific information to come home this week.

I use agendas in my class as an important communication tool between school & home.  Please make sure to sign it every night.  I tell students that it is their responsibility to ask you to read and sign it, but in reality these young people usually need a hand in remembering.  Since we look at our agendas at least once a day, it is also a good place for parents to write reminders (exchange books, bring home water bottle, ...)

We are working with Thanksgiving terms in French as the students will be writing in the journals about this holiday.  Here is this week's audio dictée:

This week:
Fire Drill:  Willows has been practicing what to do in the event of a fire.  We expect to have a surprise Fire Drill this week, at which time the Oak Bay Fire Department will be in attendance to time our exit.

Assembly:  On Thursday morning we are expecting to meet Gareth Rees (Willows grad and Canadian rugby legend) as well as  Natasha Watcham-Roy and Bianca Farella, members of the bronze medal winning Canadian Women's Rugby Team. 

Bonne semaine!