This week's happenings:
Monday - Library book exchange
Tuesday - Fire House visit, choir rehearsal
Wednesday - Swimming
Thursday - Lt. Governor Judith Guichon visits Willows, dictée
Friday - Good Friday (no school)
Next week:
Monday - Easter Monday (no school)
Tuesday - choir rehearsal
Wednesday - Swimming
Thursday - Spelling quiz
Friday - Pizza/sushi, Musical rehearsal
Please make sure your child brings a choir uniform ASAP as we are headed for "Musical season" starting soon.
This week we started a study of Thermal Energy in Science. This is a new unit introduced to Grade 3s this year as part of the new BC curriculum.
We started by exploring new technical French words associated with this theme. Some of these multi-syllable words will likely be difficult for our young second-language learners. But I'm hoping that by defining them, illustrating them, and using them as part of experiments, we will all become more familiar with them and use them more fluently.
Our main goals are to find sources of thermal energy, as well as to know basic workings of conduction (heat transfer from a stove element to a pot), convection (heat transfer from rising hot air from a campfire to a pot above it ), and radiation (energy moving in the form of rays through space).
We are beginning to work with multiplication, working with arrays and repeated addition (2+2+2, or 3x2=6).
Over the next few weeks we will be practicing verbs in the present tense and playing games to help us remember them. We will be looking at avoir, être, faire, aller, pouvoir, and ER verbs.
Français/Sciences Humaines
To get into the mood for the upcoming May 9th election, we will quickly be looking at the steps a candidate must go through from a nomination meeting to a provincial vote.
Joyeuse Pâques!
This week's dictée:
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