Wishing a Happy Mother's Day to all Moms out there!
Welcome to week 32 out of 38. It's so cliché to say this but it's especially true this year - I can't believe we only have 6 weeks of school left! There's still lots of learning left to do so we will be plugging away again this week.
On Monday morning we will be having our monthly assembly. It's a time to meet together in the gym as a large group and focus on a common goal for the month. In the afternoon, we will have a visit from Hugh Greenwood, a retired geologist from UBC who volunteers to give presentations to students through the Science Centre program. His presentation will focus on waves (sounds, ocean, earthquakes). He will also be showing us a few experiments in class.
Thursday will mark week 6 of our 8 week swimming program at Oak Bay Recreation. In the afternoon we will continue our 3rd rotation of the Club d'Amitié (Friendship Group) with the students in Mmes Henry and McMillan.
Don't forget Pizza/Sushi day on Friday.
In Math we completed our multiplication classwork last week. Please continue to send the red multiplication flashcards to school as I will quiz the students ad hoc throughout the week. Continue to practice them at home too. Our new topic is money, the various denominations, adding it up, using the least amount of coins, and we will end with "giving change" or counting up from one number to another.
In French we started to read a new-to-me novel and I am finding that a bit of the vocabulary and expressions in "Togo" require explaining. As such, we will be reading it together slowly. It's an interesting story though. You can read about it here: Togo husky .
We will be continuing to study verbs in the present tense this week. Students have also been working hard on their cursive writing. We are now up to the letter "o".
In Science we will be wrapping up our unit on Plants. Bean update: a few of our plants have taken off, while a few a still struggling to "take root". Is it too hot in our classroom to grow beans?
Please keep reading in French at home, the end is near! Year-end reading assessment will start the week after Victoria Day.
Bonne semaine à tous!
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