Bonjour & welcome to what I hope will become a more regular way to communicate between my classroom and your home.
Here are some of my goals for this site:
- Post a more timely list of dictée & spelling lists, as well as events specific to our class.
- Post links to cool resources.
That's it for now. I'm trying to keep it simple so I don't outsmart myself and create a site that is too cumbersome to update. I will also try to keep the tone light to make it more fun to read.
About the platform & name:
For a few years I played around with a few different platforms which facilitate closed-groups where I could post student work & photos, permissions granted, but I kept getting stuck at various stages. So I have decided to go with what I know and use Blogger. No photos or student work at this time.
Finding a name was a also a stumbling block in getting this blog going. I didn't really want my name in the title so tried to find a clever French/English title. Attempts at securing a blog name such as: "Mais oui!", "Bien sûr!", and "Le sac à dos" failed as these were unavailable.
So I settled for the so far unique "Jaune-orange". Having spoken both French and English since a very young age, I have always been interested in words and expressions which exist in one language but not the other. An example is the French ailment "faire une crise de foie" which literally translates in English as "having a liver attack". In English we probably just complain of an upset stomach which is not quite as dramatic.
As a young French kid, my favourite colour was jaune-orange. Very specific, not "orange" or "jaune", but jaune-orange, a pale yellowish-orange, not easily translated to English. So while the name does not immediately illicit French Immersion teaching, there is a language connection there somewhere.
For the first few blog updates I will email parents with the link. There will be a place on the Home Page to sign-up for blog updates, but please note that it can take 24hrs after an update to receive this link.
This is a great communication device. Much appreciated. Edan