Friday, 16 March 2018

Bonnes vacances!!

Bonjour! Wishing everyone a happy and healthy Spring Break!  There will not be a dictee or spelling the first week to make sure everyone can relax over the break. As mentioned last week, the Spelling Units are here.  Our next unit will be Unit 7.  

Please welcome the addition of a class calendar to the blog.  The link is on this "home" page, on the right side, or here.

For some online French activities over the break, Radio-Canada has many options here.

Enjoy the break and see you back on Wednesday April 4th!

Sunday, 4 March 2018

Week of March 5th


Last week on February 28th as part of Pink Shirt Day, our class spent time meeting a student from Mrs. Ireton Grade 2/3 English class.  Students rehearsed how to present themselves and how to ask an interesting question.  Then, students played Math games in both classrooms.  Mrs. Ireton and I split our classes in 2 so that half of her class could teach half of my students an addition and logic game, while the other half of my class taught her remaining students a subtraction game.  The link for our game is also on the Links tab of this blog.  Playing games is such a great way to reinforce skills.

Last week we also walked to Cattlepoint and Willows Beach on a sunny, blistery day to observe the wildlife, and to get a sense of space, standing where First Nations lived centuries ago.

Coming up in the next few weeks before Spring Break:
Français - Fairy tales and First Nations Legends
English - Finish reading Stone Fox
Math - Measurement, perimeter, and area
Socials - First Nations
Science - Ecosystems

lundi le 5 mars:  Student-led conference forms go home, to be returned ASAP
mardi le 6 mars:  Folk dance lessons in P.E.
jeudi le 8 mars:  Dictée, Family dance at 6:30pm.  Purcase tickets here.
vendredi le 9 mars:  Report cards go home

lundi le 12 mars:  Author visit-Alison Gear, Scholastic Book Fair to the 16th
mercredi le 14 et jeudi le 15 mars:  Early dismissal at 11:52am, student-led conferences from 1 to 5 pm.
jeudi le 15 mars:  Spelling Unit #6
vendredi le 16 mars:  Last day of school before Spring Break

March 17 - April 2nd - Spring Break

April 4th - return to school.  (Please note that there was an error in the date when 1st posted)
April 23 1pm:  Afternoon musical performance.  Orange cast and Chatham choir
April 24 6pm:  Evening musical performance.  Orange cast and Chatham choir
April 25th 7:15pm:  Evening musical performance.  Green cast and Chatham choir
April 27th:  Pizza/sushi lunch