Sunday, 29 October 2017

Week 9 in Div. 11


Tues. Oct. 31:  Black & Orange day, P.E.
Wed. Nov. 1:  Please bring candy wrappers to school for a graphing exercise
Thurs. Nov. 2:  Dictée, bring your black & white choir uniform to school in a labeled bag

Mon: Nov. 6:  Scholastic due
Tues. Nov. 7:  Remembrance Day rehearsal in the afternoon
Thurs. Nov. 9:  Dictée, Remembrance Day rehearsal in the afternoon
Fri. Nov. 10:  Remembrance Day Ceremony (morning)

Please check this week's email for information about an upcoming field trip.

This week's audio dictée:

Sunday, 22 October 2017

Week 8 in Div. 11


Events upcoming in Div. 11:

Mon. Oct. 23:  PJ day, bring a book for Drop Everything and Read - a school-wide reading event, also, as mentioned last week, our class will work with a Francophone Theatre group from Vancouver, Cross-country jamboree for some students in the afternoon.

Tues. Oct. 24:  P.E.
Wed. Oct. 25:  Photo retakes
Thurs. Oct. 27:  Dictée

Mon. Oct. 30:  Halloween safety assembly
Tues. Oct. 31:  Black & Orange day, P.E.
Thurs. Nov. 2:  Dictée

This week's audio dictée:

Sunday, 15 October 2017

Week 7


 Looking at the weather for this week, Fall is definitively upon us.

 Here's a look ahead at the next 2 weeks in our class:

- Tues. Oct. 17 - P.E.
- Wed. Oct. 18 - Choir
- Thurs. Oct. 19 - Dictée, the Great BC Shake-up (Earthquake practice)
- Fri. Oct. 20 - BC-wide Professional Development Day for teachers.  I will be attending workshops in Vancouver on Friday and Saturday.

Week of Oct. 23-27
- This week, Willows French Immersion classes will be taking part in some "Art Dramatique" sessions with Theatre de la Seizieme, a professional Francophone Theatre company from Vancouver. 

- Tues. Oct. 24 - P.E.
- Wed. Oct. 25 - Photo retakes, choir
- Thurs. Oct. 26 - Dictée
- Fri. Oct. 27 - Pizza/Sushi, Buddies

This week's audio dictée:

Saturday, 7 October 2017

Week 6 in Div. 11


This week on my radar:
It's the official yearly Fire Drill week at Willows, where we practice getting out of the building quickly and quietly.

Monday:  Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Tuesday:  Fire drill, P.E.
Wednesday:  Official Fire Drill with Oak Bay Fire Dept. attending

French Home reading:
How is the home reading coming along?  Is your child able to get his/her 10 minutes a day of French reading?  Are you seeing books coming home?  Please jot me a note in your child's agenda if he/she needs a reminder to switch-out French books.

Inside shoes:
With the wet weather now here again, please make sure your child has a clean pair of inside shoes for the classroom.  

I use agendas in my class as an important communication tool between school & home.  Please make sure to sign it every night.  I tell students that it is their responsibility to ask you to read and sign it, but in reality these young people usually need a hand in remembering.  Since we look at our agendas at least once a day, it is also a good place for parents to write reminders (exchange books, bring home water bottle, ...)

This week's dictée:

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Week 5 update


Please see field trip information in the email.

This week in Div. 11:
Thurs. Oct. 5th - Dictée

Next week:
Mon. Oct. 9th - Thanksgiving
Wed. Oct. 11 - Fire Drill
Thurs. Oct. 12 - Dictée

Here's this week's audio dictée: