Sunday, 26 February 2017

Week 24 Update


Upcoming dates to remember:

Monday Feb. 27 - Library-please return books, buddies, ***return swim lesson intent letter
Thursday Mar. 2 - Dictée (see written words in email, also see below for audio dictée)
Friday Mar. 3 - Field trip (please see email)

Mon. Mar. 6 - Author Sigmund Brouwer visits Willows at 9am
Thurs. Mar. 9 - Spelling quiz, Square Dance in the Gym at 9:50, Family Dance in the evening
Fri. Mar. 10 - Theatre presentation in the morning, Pizza/sushi lunch, Report cards sent home
Mon. Mar. 13 - Return Student-led appointment forms (given in the report card)
Wed. Mar. 15 - Student-led conferences (1pm to 5pm)
Tburs. Mar. 16 - Dictée, Student-led conferences (1pm to 5pm)
Fri. Mar. 17 - last day of school prior to Spring Break

Field Trip
Please see email.
There is room on the bus for 4 adults from my class to accompany us.  If you would like to join us please let me know ASAP (preferably by email).

Swim lessons
Late last week you will have received a letter regarding upcoming swimming lessons for Grade 3s.  Every year at Willows, the school organizes swim lessons for students during the school day.  Many years ago when my own kids were students at Willows, municipalities used to pay for Grade 3 students to learn how to swim.  Somewhere along the way the municipalities stopped to fund this initiative, but the school continued to facilitate the lessons.  Please see the letter sent home for an approximate cost of the lessons.  Participating students will not be missing any classwork as typically most, if not all, students participate.  Non-participating students will remain at Willows with another teacher and will be given activities.  Please return the bottom portion of the letter by tomorrow.

Français - recognizing and writing nouns/adjectives in the singular and plural forms, writing stories or journal entries with interesting beginnings.  Planning/writing an oral presentation.

English - reading "The Stone Fox".  Discussing similarities and differences between European and First Nations cultures.  Looking at the role of government and taxes in society, working with words with a "u" sound.

P.E. - hockey and various playground games.

Social studies - learning about Inuit culture, and starting projects.  These projects will be on display during the student-led conferences March 15/16th.

Math - addition and subtraction with regrouping.  Problem solving with addition and subtraction.

Social responsibility - For the anti-bullying day on Feb. 22, students from my class each made a poster with at least 8 tear-away tabs, each containing a compliment, in French or in English.  We placed the posters in the hallways throughout the school so other students could take a compliment with them if they needed a one.  These were a big hit with Willows students and all the tabs had disappeared by the end of the day.  

Audio dictée