Sunday 4 March 2018

Week of March 5th


Last week on February 28th as part of Pink Shirt Day, our class spent time meeting a student from Mrs. Ireton Grade 2/3 English class.  Students rehearsed how to present themselves and how to ask an interesting question.  Then, students played Math games in both classrooms.  Mrs. Ireton and I split our classes in 2 so that half of her class could teach half of my students an addition and logic game, while the other half of my class taught her remaining students a subtraction game.  The link for our game is also on the Links tab of this blog.  Playing games is such a great way to reinforce skills.

Last week we also walked to Cattlepoint and Willows Beach on a sunny, blistery day to observe the wildlife, and to get a sense of space, standing where First Nations lived centuries ago.

Coming up in the next few weeks before Spring Break:
Français - Fairy tales and First Nations Legends
English - Finish reading Stone Fox
Math - Measurement, perimeter, and area
Socials - First Nations
Science - Ecosystems

lundi le 5 mars:  Student-led conference forms go home, to be returned ASAP
mardi le 6 mars:  Folk dance lessons in P.E.
jeudi le 8 mars:  Dictée, Family dance at 6:30pm.  Purcase tickets here.
vendredi le 9 mars:  Report cards go home

lundi le 12 mars:  Author visit-Alison Gear, Scholastic Book Fair to the 16th
mercredi le 14 et jeudi le 15 mars:  Early dismissal at 11:52am, student-led conferences from 1 to 5 pm.
jeudi le 15 mars:  Spelling Unit #6
vendredi le 16 mars:  Last day of school before Spring Break

March 17 - April 2nd - Spring Break

April 4th - return to school.  (Please note that there was an error in the date when 1st posted)
April 23 1pm:  Afternoon musical performance.  Orange cast and Chatham choir
April 24 6pm:  Evening musical performance.  Orange cast and Chatham choir
April 25th 7:15pm:  Evening musical performance.  Green cast and Chatham choir
April 27th:  Pizza/sushi lunch

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